Discount 24k Gold Connector Banana Plugs, Open Screw Type 24 Pack (12 Red, 12 Black)

24k Gold Connector Banana Plugs, Open Screw Type 24 Pack (12 Red, 12 Black)

I bought 24k Gold Connector Banana Plugs, Open Screw Type 24 Pack (12 Red, 12 Black) I always knows 24k Gold Connector Banana Plugs, Open Screw Type 24 Pack (12 Red, 12 Black), I have tested this product, this was at my local store, then you'll have more on Amazon Click Here for customer reviews and best price

24k Gold Connector Banana Plugs, Open Screw Type 24 Pack (12 Red, 12 Black)

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Cheap 24k Gold Connector Banana Plugs, Open Screw Type 24 Pack (12 Red, 12 Black)

Ensure the best connection bewteen your speaker cable and your receiver unit with these open-screw banana plugs. Banana plugs also ensure that you'll only have to wire your speakers up once, rather than stuff the unterminated speaker cable into your receiver and hope that it never comes out.Easy To InstallBanana plugs make installing speakers much easier. Instead of unscrewing the connectors in the back of your receiver and wrapping the speaker conductor around those screws, utilize the banana plug holes with these banana plugs.Attaching the banana plug to the speaker itself is easy. These open faced banana plugs allow you to simply feed some of the bare copper conductor into the hole and clamp it down with the screw.Daisy ChainEach banana plug also features a female banana plug connection on the bottom, allowing you to connect multiple speakers from a single speaker output. This serves as a splitter, allowing you to mirror the sound as many times as necessary.

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